Ashley Seryn

Meet Ashley Seryn, Los Angeles based creative and photographer.


Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I’m Ashley (@ashleyseryn) and I’m a photographer in LA. I mainly shoot fashion and film but love exploring music and videography as well. I’m also a PR grad student at USC and will graduate next year. I love balancing my visual and analytic side in everything I do!


Why did you start Story Nineteen

I wanted to find a way to stay creative while encouraging others to do the same. I know a lot of jobs and personal projects for freelancers have been cancelled or put on hold, so I thought it was a great opportunity to start a project that gives others a creative platform and an opportunity to share a little about themselves and their quarantine in the form of a handwritten note.


Besides Story Nineteen, what other activities are you finding helpful to stay creative while being home?

I’ve been able to take photos at home for a few brands—I think it’s such a great opportunity for brands to get creative in how they produce content during this time. Overall, I’ve been exploring other creative areas that I didn’t have time for before, like picking piano back up again. I've also been brainstorming creative projects for when quarantine is over, but still being gentle on myself in this process.


What does a day in your life currently look like??

I’m very grateful to be able to focus on myself. I’ve been attending classes on Zoom and have hopped on the baking and latte-making trend. I’ve also been going on walks, doing at-home workouts with my family, reading, and watching new movies and shows.


What are you looking forward to doing most once this is all over?

Going to my favorite bar, restaurant, cafe, or beach (or all of the above) and hugging my friends <3


Halleta Alemu


Stephanie Villa